Document Management Section
Ms LAU Chung-kuen
Public Search Section
Mr LI Wan-cheung
New Companies Section
Ms FUNG Wing-sze
Charges & Liquidation Section
Miss SUEN Wai-fong and Ms CHAN Ka-man
Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers
Ms YUNG Siu-kam
For more information, please refer to the “Events” section of this website.
Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 1 / 2025 for details.
The "Companies (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2024 " was gazetted today.
Please refer to the Press Release issued on 20 December 2024 for details.
The revised Guideline has been uploaded to this website under the section on “Major Services > Licensing of Money Lenders > Publications > Guidelines” and will become effective on 3 March 2025.
Please refer to the Press Release issued on 22 November 2024 for details.
Results of the contest will be announced in December 2024.
For details, please refer to the press release issued on 10 October 2024.
In this connection, as from 23 September 2024, the Prospectus Documents which are authorized for registration by the Exchange and to be delivered in electronic form to the Registrar of Companies for registration under the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Chapter 32) may be delivered to the Companies Registry for registration on SWT days.
Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 2 / 2024 for details.
We would like to invite you to complete the survey form online at the link below:
Customer Service Survey 2024
All information collected will be kept strictly confidential.
Thank you for your participation and support.
With a view to expedite the registration process, the Registry has issued an External Circular to set out the common reasons for the Registry to return the latest version of Form NAR1 to presentors for correction before registration. It also provides a general guide on how presentors can avoid common errors found in specified forms delivered to the Registry for registration.
For more details, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 1 / 2024.
All applications for incorporation of local companies and applications for registration of non-Hong Kong companies delivered to the Companies Registry using the One-stop Company and Business Registration Service must be accompanied by the correct business registration fee and levy.
The Registry anticipates that there will be an increase of incorporation applications in the last week of March 2024. We will redeploy resources to maintain a quality service as far as practicable. However, it is possible that we may not be able to meet the performance pledges for our services at times of huge influx of incorporation applications. Please refer to the suggested measures for delivery of applications and documents to the Registry.
*The relevant legislative amendment is subject to the scrutiny of the Legislative Council.
Document Management Section
Mr WONG Wang-po
Public Search Section
Mr LI Wan-cheung
New Companies Section
Ms KAM Chun-ling
Charges & Liquidation Section
Ms SUEN Wai-fong
Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers
Miss KEUNG Wai-yan
For more information, please refer to the “Events” section of this website.
Data subject may apply to the Registrar of Companies (“the Registrar”) for withholding from public inspection the usual residential address or the full identification number of the applicant (“Withheld Information”) contained in a registered document. “Specified persons” may, for the purpose of the performance of their functions, apply to the Registrar for disclosing the Withheld Information.
For more details, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 8 / 2023 or the thematic section on “New Inspection Regime” on the Registry's website.
Besides, the Unique Business Identifier has been implemented in full. Business Registration Number (i.e. the first eight digits of the Business Registration Certificate number) assigned by the Business Registration Office of the Inland Revenue Department has already been adopted as the identification number for all companies / entities under the administration of the Registrar of Companies replacing the previous company registration number.
In this connection, the Registrar of Companies (“the Registrar”) has, in exercise of the power under the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622), specified the requirements for Prospectus Documents to be delivered in electronic form to the Registrar for registration as from 1 January 2024.
The current arrangement of submitting Prospectus Documents, which are authorized for registration by the Securities and Futures Commission, to the Registrar for registration in hard copy form remains unchanged.
Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 7 / 2023 for details.
(a) Form PS4 – Application for Opening of Special Account relating to Protected Information by Designated Types of Specified Persons
(b) Form PS5 – Application for Opening of Special Account for Authorised Representative by a Special Account User other than a Natural Person
The service for online application for opening of Special Account relating to Protected Information will also be suspended from 11 to 26 December 2023. Relevant online applications will be provided in a different manner at the new e-Services Portal of the Companies Registry starting from 27 December 2023. Existing Special Accounts will be migrated to the new e–Services Portal automatically.
The Companies Registry has announced the commencement of simultaneous business registration applications on registration of limited partnership funds ("LPFs") and the revision of specified forms for LPFs with effect from 27 December 2023.
Starting from 27 December 2023, an LPF applicant who applies for registration of an LPF will be deemed to have made a simultaneous application for business registration. The "Notice to Business Registration Office" (IRBR4) must be submitted together with the prescribed business registration fee and levy at the time when an application is made for registration of an LPF. Upon approval of the application, the Registrar of Companies will issue a Certificate of Registration and a Business Registration Certificate in one go.
Besides, to facilitate the implementation of the Registry's revamped information system, six specified forms for LPFs have been revised for use starting from 27 December 2023.
Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 6 / 2023 for details.
Starting from 27 December 2023, upon the launch of the Companies Registry's Revamped Integrated Companies Registry Information System ("Revamped ICRIS"), the electronic submission services provided through the e-Filing Services under the new e-Services Portal will replace the current electronic submission services provided under the e-Registry and GovHK.
To facilitate the launch of the Revamped ICRIS, the Registrar of Companies ("the Registrar") has, in exercise of the power under various Ordinances, specified the requirements for documents to be delivered in electronic form or in other form to the Registrar for registration under various Ordinances.
Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 5 / 2023 for details.
The Companies Registry will launch the Revamped Integrated Companies Registry Information System (the "Revamped ICRIS") on 27 December 2023. The Revamped ICRIS, which will replace the existing information systems, will support the Registry's main business operations and provide convenient round-the-clock electronic search and document submission services to customers through a new single integrated online platform, namely the e-Services Portal.
The existing electronic services of the Registry provided under the Cyber Search Centre, the Company Search Mobile Service, the e-Registry and the CR e-Filing Mobile Application will continue until the close of business on 22 December 2023 (Friday). The exact time of cessation of the existing ICRIS services will be announced nearer the time.
Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 4 / 2023 for details.
The Companies Registry is organising the Best Counter Staff Contest 2023-24 to encourage courtesy and efficiency in the delivery of service and compliment counter staff with excellent performance. During the voting days from 13 to 15 November 2023, customers visiting the Companies Registry's offices are welcome to vote for the best counter staff on the basis of individual staff's performance.
Results of the contest will be announced in December 2023.
Key features of Phase 2 of UBI on relevant companies and entities with effect from 27 December 2023 include:-
- BRN will be adopted as the “No.” on the “Certificate of Incorporation”, “Certificate of Registration”, or “Certificate of Change of Name” issued by the Registry;
- BRN, instead of the existing company registration number, will have to be quoted on specified forms and documents delivered to the Registry; and
- BRN will be the key number for searching and identifying a company or entity under different services of the Registry.
Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 3 / 2023 for details.
For details, please refer to the press release issued on 16 October 2023.
To facilitate the implementation of Phase 2, the Registrar has revised 117 specified forms and an administrative form, Form AD - Rectification of Typographical or Clerical Error in Registered Document, for use starting from 27 December 2023.
Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 2 / 2023 for details.
The Companies Registry has enhanced the service scope of the chatbot "Clare" on this website to answer customers' enquiries on another aspect of the Registry's service.
Apart from helping customers find information in relation to incorporation and annual returns of local limited companies, Clare has further learnt to provide information about change of particulars of local limited companies after incorporation. To chat with "Clare", you may click her icon at the bottom right corner of the homepage of this website.
We would like to invite you to complete the survey form online at the link below:
Customer Service Survey 2023
All information collected will be kept strictly confidential.
Thank you for your participation and support.
The licensing regime for virtual asset service providers under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Ordinance 2022 has taken effect on 1 June 2023. "A licensed virtual asset service provider" has been added to the definition of financial institution under section 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Cap. 615) as amended.
As financial institution is one of the persons specified under section 12(1) of the Companies (Residential Addresses and Identification Numbers) Regulation (Cap. 622N) to whom Protected Information could be disclosed by the Registrar of Companies on application under section 58(3) of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622), the Companies Registry has accordingly updated the following specified forms in relation to Application for Disclosure of Protected Information:
- Form PS3 - Application for Disclosure of Protected Information (By solicitor or foreign lawyer/certified public accountant (practising)/financial institution or DNFBP)
- Form PS4 - Application for Opening of Special Account relating to Protected Information by Designated Types of Specified Persons
Provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Ordinance 2022 which address a number of miscellaneous and technical issues under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Chapter 615) will come into effect on 1 June 2023. Accordingly, the existing Guideline on Compliance of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Requirements for Licensed Money Lenders (“Guideline”) has been revised.
The revised Guideline to be effective on 1 June 2023 can be downloaded from this website under the section on "Major Services > Licensing of Money Lenders > Publications > Guidelines".
The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2023 will come into operation on 28 April 2023, providing flexibility for companies to hold general meetings in various manners.
Please refer to the Press Release issued on 27 April 2023 for details.As DNFBP is one of the persons specified under section 12(1) of the Companies (Residential Addresses and Identification Numbers) Regulation (Cap. 622N) to whom Protected Information could be disclosed by the Registrar of Companies on application under section 58(3) of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622), the Companies Registry has accordingly updated the following specified forms in relation to Application for Disclosure of Protected Information:
- Form PS3 - Application for Disclosure of Protected Information (By solicitor or foreign lawyer/certified public accountant (practising)/financial institution or DNFBP)
- Form PS4 - Application for Opening of Special Account relating to Protected Information by Designated Types of Specified Persons
With effect from 1 April 2023, all applications for incorporation of local companies and applications for registration of non-Hong Kong companies delivered to the Companies Registry using the One-stop Company and Business Registration Service must be accompanied by the correct business registration fee and levy.
The Registry anticipates that there will be an upsurge of incorporation applications in the last two weeks of March 2023. We will redeploy resources to maintain a quality service as far as practicable. However, it is possible that we may not be able to meet the performance pledges for our services at times of huge influx of incorporation applications. Please refer to the suggested measures for delivery of applications and documents to the Registry.
The Amendment Ordinance seeks to modernise the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) and the Companies (Model Articles) Notice (Cap. 622H) to expressly cater for the scenario of companies holding fully virtual general meetings without the requirement for presence of members at any physical locations; as well as a mixed mode of such virtual general meetings and members attending at physical location(s), i.e. hybrid general meetings.
For details, please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 1 / 2023. Comprehensive information on the Amendment Ordinance are available in the thematic section newly set up on the Registry’s website.
The Companies Registry has introduced an interest rate calculator under “Major Services > Licensing of Money Lenders” section of this website. Members of the public may make use of the calculator to calculate the effective rate of interest of a loan in accordance with the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap. 163) in case of doubt of whether the interest rates in the loan agreement are in compliance with the statutory cap.
Starting from 30 December 2022, the statutory interest rate cap for lending stipulated in the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap. 163) is amended from 60% to 48% per annum, and the threshold of extortionate rate (which may trigger reopening of the transaction by the court, having regard to the relevant circumstances) is amended from 48% to 36% per annum. The above amendments were passed by the Legislative Council in October 2022, and will apply to loan repayment agreements and interest payment agreements coming into force from 30 December 2022.
For details, please refer to the Press Release issued on 29 December 2022.
The Best Service Award is organised to assess the level of customer satisfaction with our services. The Award for this year was presented to the New Companies Section in recognition of its efforts in providing service on “Registration of new companies - local companies - delivery in electronic form”, which obtained the highest satisfaction score in our Customer Service Survey conducted this year.
Document Management Section
Mr YIP Chun-ho
Public Search Section
Ms YEUNG Wai-man
New Companies Section
Ms MAK Tsing-yi
Charges & Liquidation Section
Ms SUEN Wai-fong
Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers
Ms CHAN Yik-hang
For more information, please refer to the “Events” section of this website.
Please refer to the Press Release issued on 25 November 2022 for details.
Results of the contest will be announced in mid - December 2022.
Sensitive personal information on the Index of Directors on the Companies Register and newly delivered documents, including usual residential addresses of directors and full identification numbers (“IDNs”) of directors, company secretaries and some other individuals (such as liquidators and provisional liquidators) (collectively “Protected Information”), are replaced with correspondence addresses and partial IDNs for public inspection. Only “specified persons” can apply to the Registrar of Companies for access to Protected Information.
26 specified forms pertaining to the reporting of Protected Information have been revised. Previous version of the specified forms concerned will not be accepted for registration and will be returned to presentors.Latest version of specified forms can be downloaded from the “Forms > Specified Forms” section of the Registry’s website.
A new administrative form, Form AD, is to be used for making application to rectify a typographical or clerical error contained in a document already registered with the Registry under the Companies Ordinance. The Form AD can be downloaded from the “Forms > Other Forms” section on the Registry’s website.
Comprehensive information on Phase 2 of the New Inspection Regime, including External Circulars, information pamphlets, frequently asked questions etc. are available on the thematic section on “New Inspection Regime” on the Registry’s website.
The Companies Registry issued an External Circular No. 3/2021 (“the Circular”) on 18 November 2021 to clarify the definition of “professional accountants” and “professional company secretaries” referred to in the above two provisions.
In view of the commencement of the Financial Reporting Council (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 on 1 October 2022, the Companies Registry has issued an External Circular No. 7/2022 to supersede the Circular so as to update the definition of the term “certified public accountant (practising)” referred to in the Circular. For details, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 7/2022.
As such, the current approach for rectification of information on the Companies Register has to be revised to ensure that Protected Information contained in amended documents will not be made available for public inspection on rectification of information on the Companies Register. For details, please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 6 / 2022 issued today.
Eligible companies (i.e. companies whose made up date of annual return falls on or before 30 September 2022) shall deliver on time their annual returns for 2022 on or before 30 September 2022 in order to enjoy the waiver.
After 30 September 2022, registration fees will be required even if the annual returns of these eligible companies are delivered on time.
We would like to invite you to complete the survey form online at the link below:
Customer Service Survey 2022
All information collected will be kept strictly confidential.
Thank you for your participation and support.
Starting from the Commencement Date, sensitive personal information on the Index of Directors on the Companies Register and newly delivered documents will be protected. The Registry has revised 26 specified forms which pertain to the reporting of the above sensitive personal information for use starting from the Commencement Date. For details of the implementation of Phase 2 of the New Inspection Regime, please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 3/2022 issued on 19 August 2022.
Two other External Circulars of even date, namely Companies Registry External Circular No. 4/2022 and Companies Registry External Circular No. 5/2022 which set out the details for “Major Changes in Filing Requirements” and “Major Changes in Public Search Service” respectively, have also been issued.
In addition to electronic submission services provided through the e-Registry portal (, new electronic templates and submission services will also be provided through GovHK (
For more details and the newly covered documents which can be delivered through the e-Registry or GovHK, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 2/2022.
Please refer to the Press Release issued on 24 June 2022 for details.
To facilitate the implementation of Phase 2 of the New Inspection Regime, 26 specified forms which pertain to the reporting of Protected Information have been revised for use starting from 24 October 2022. The revised specified forms were published in the Gazette today (G.N. 3130 and G.N. 3168). Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 1/2022 for details.
Companies Registry to resume normal public services starting from 19 April 2022
Starting from 19 April 2022, the Companies Registry will resume normal public services while appealing to customers to continue delivering documents for registration and conducting searches electronically. Please refer to the press release issued on 14 April 2022 for details.
Companies Registry extends the closure of office on 14/F
This Registry was notified that a contractor staff working as a security guard in the Public Service Hall on 14/F, High Block, Queensway Government Offices (QGO) has tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19. The Registry’s office on 14/F, High Block, QGO will continue to be closed from 21 February (Monday) until further notice. The same office has been closed since 18 February due to a suspected case of a staff member of the Registry.
Customers are advised to deliver documents and fees electronically at the e-Registry ( or via “CR eFiling” mobile application, deliver the documents and cheques by post or deposit them at the Registry’s Drop-in Box provided near the Information Counter on the Deck Floor, High Block of the QGO.
The Registry has arranged for all staff of the same floor to undergo COVID-19 testing and work from home until a negative test result is obtained. Thorough cleansing and disinfection of the premises concerned has been completed. The Registry will continue to maintain close liaison with the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health in taking appropriate follow-up actions.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us by email at
Companies Registry closes offices on 14/F on 18 February 2022
This Registry was notified on 17 February 2022 that a staff member working on 14/F, Queensway Government Offices (QGO) is considered as a suspected case for COVID-19. The Registry’s offices on 14/F, QGO will be closed on 18 February (Friday) and will re-open on 21 February (Monday).
Customers are advised to deliver documents and fees electronically at the e-Registry ( or via “CR eFiling” mobile application, deliver the documents and cheques by post or deposit them in the Registry’s Drop-in Box provided near the Information Counter on the Deck Floor, High Block of the QGO.
The Registry has arranged for all staff of the same floor to undergo COVID-19 testing and work from home until a negative test result is obtained. Thorough cleansing and disinfection of the premises concerned has been completed. The Registry will continue to maintain close liaison with the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health in taking appropriate follow-up actions.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us by email at
Customers can also continue to use electronic services on registration of documents through the e-Registry ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers (
Please refer to the press release issued on 11 February for details.
Companies Registry to adjust service provision from 14 February 2022
In view of the latest local epidemic situation, the Companies Registry will temporarily close the Public Search Centre on 13/F at Queensway Government Offices from 14 February 2022 until further notice in order to reduce the flow of people. Customers can continue to conduct searches through the Cyber Search Centre (, which operates 24 hours a day.
The other existing arrangements for services of the Registry will remain unchanged, including provision of counter services to receive documents delivered in hard copy and to allow customers to collect certificates for company incorporation (service hours from Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.). Details of the Registry’s public services are set out in Annex.
Customers can also continue to use electronic services on registration of documents through the e-Registry ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are also set out in Annex.
To reduce the flow of people and social contact in the community so as to curb the further spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Registry urges its customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises unless they require urgent service.
The waiting time for public services provided at the Registry’s offices will be longer given the adjusted services. The Registry will also take a longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form. We apologise that the standard performance pledges are not applicable to our services during this period.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us by email at
The Public Search Centre will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services provided electronically through the e-Registry (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( will not be affected.
Please refer to the press release issued on 24 January for details.
Companies Registry adjusts counter service hours starting from 25 January 2022
In view of the latest local epidemic situation and the special work arrangements for government employees, the Companies Registry will adjust counter service hours to 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. from 25 January 2022 for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporation. The Public Search Centre will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.). The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services provided electronically through the e-Registry (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( will not be affected. Details of the Registry’s public services and electronic services are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry urges its customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises unless they require urgent service.
The waiting time for public services provided at the Registry’s offices will be longer as the counter service hours will be shortened. The Registry will also take a longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form. We apologise that the standard performance pledges are not applicable to our services during this period.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us by email at
An Appeal for Delivery of Documents Electronically or by Post and Use of Electronic Services
In view of the latest COVID-19 epidemic situation, to achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, while the Companies Registry will continue to provide normal public services at counters, the Companies Registry appeals to its customers to deliver documents electronically or by post and make use of the electronic services provided by the Registry as far as possible.
The Registry’s electronic services for registration of documents and public search will continue to be provided through the “e-Registry” (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are set out in Annex.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us by email at
The Best Service Award is organised to assess the level of customer satisfaction with our services. The Award for this year was presented to the New Companies Section in recognition of its efforts in providing service on “Registration of new companies - local companies - delivery in electronic form”, which obtained the highest satisfaction score in our Customer Service Survey conducted this year.
Document Management Section
Mr YIP Chun-ho
Public Search Section
Mr LI Wan-cheung
New Companies Section
Ms CHAN Shan-shan
Charges & Liquidation Section
Miss LEUNG Wing-yan
Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers
Ms CHAN Yik-hang
For more information, please refer to the “Events” section of this website.
The Companies Registry once issued an External Circular No. 3/2020 (“the Circular”) on 28 August 2020 to clarify the definition of “professional accountants” and “professional company secretary” referred to in the above two provisions.
In view of the change of name of “The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries”, which is mentioned in paragraph 5 of the Circular, to “The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute”, the Companies Registry has issued an External Circular No. 3/2021 to supersede the Circular so as to update the definition of “professional company secretary” referred to in the above two provisions. For details, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 3/2021.
The Companies Registry is organising the Best Counter Staff Contest 2021-22 to encourage courtesy and efficiency in the delivery of service and compliment counter staff with excellent performance. During the voting days from 15 to 17 November 2021, customers visiting the Companies Registry’s offices are welcome to vote for the best counter staff on the basis of individual staff’s performance.
Results of the contest will be announced in mid - December 2021.
To enhance the usability of the specified forms for limited partnership funds in reporting particulars, specified forms LPF1, LPF2 and LPF4C have been revised. The revised forms have been published in the Gazette (G.N. 6400 in Gazette No. 41 Vol. 25) for use with effect from today.
The relevant forms are available for downloading free of charge under the “Forms > Specified Forms > Limited Partnership Fund” section of the Registry’s website. A CD-ROM containing a full set of the specified forms of limited partnership fund and hard copies of individual forms are also available for purchase at the Information Counter on the 14th floor of the Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong.
New Arrangement on Use of “LeaveHomeSafe” Mobile App
To tie in with the Government’s earlier announcement to adopt more stringent measures for enhancing the efficiency and precision of contact tracing, starting from 1 November 2021, except for exempted persons (see the paragraph below), all people entering the public service halls and offices of the Companies Registry are required to use the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile application (the app) to scan the QR code of the public service halls or offices concerned before entry.
Persons who are aged below 12 or aged 65 or above, and those with disabilities that render use of the app difficult, are exempted from the requirement of using the app. However, they are required to complete a record form to register their names, the first four digits or letters of their identification documents, their contact numbers and the date and time of their visits, with relevant identification documents presented for verification at the request of the staff on-site. The staff will also verify the contact numbers by making phone calls. The information provided will be used to facilitate the work of the Government in controlling the spread of COVID-19 and related purposes, epidemiological investigation, contact tracing, investigation and prosecution in relation to breaches of the relevant legislation.
If you do not use the app and fail to provide the required information, the Registry may deny your entry.
We appeal to your cooperation with the Registry and the staff on-site in respect of the instructions given as a concerted effort to cut the viral transmission chain and reduce the risk of a community outbreak.
With effect from 1 November 2021, searchers of the public registers maintained by the Companies Registry are required to provide their personal information including name and identification information before conducting searches. They have to continue stating their purpose of conducting the search, and confirming that information obtained should only be used for the stated purpose along prevailing practice. The measures will help ensure that the data contained in these public registers are used only for the legal purposes for establishing the registers.
The Standing Committee on Company Law Reform published its 2020-21 Annual Report (36th Report) today.
For details, please refer to the press release issued on 22 October 2021.
New fund re-domiciliation mechanisms under the open-ended fund company (“OFC”) regime and the limited partnership fund (“LPF”) regime will be introduced with effect from 1 November 2021.
Under the new mechanisms, a fund set up in the form of a company or a limited partnership under the law of a jurisdiction outside Hong Kong may apply for registration as an OFC or an LPF in Hong Kong respectively, if it meets the same set of eligibility requirements for a new fund to be registered as an OFC or an LPF. Upon re-domiciliation, the fund will have the same rights and obligations as any other newly established OFCs or LPFs in Hong Kong.
For details, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 2 / 2021.
We would like to invite you to complete the survey form online at the link below:
Customer Service Survey 2021
All information collected will be kept strictly confidential.
Thank you for your support and participation.
Phase 1 of a new inspection regime of the Companies Register under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) will commence on 23 August 2021.
From 23 August 2021, companies may withhold from public inspection the usual residential addresses of directors and full identification numbers (“IDNs”) of directors and company secretaries as contained in the registers of directors and registers of company secretaries kept by the companies. In such cases, companies are to make available for public inspection on their own registers correspondence addresses of directors and partial IDNs of directors and company secretaries.
For details, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 1 / 2021.
Clare has been trained to help customers find information in relation to incorporation and annual returns of local limited companies. You can start a conversation with Clare simply by clicking Clare’s icon at the bottom right corner of the homepage of this website.
Clare will continue to learn information on other aspects of the Registry’s services. More information will be added in future.
Use of “LeaveHomeSafe” Mobile App
With effect from 1 March 2021, all people entering the public service halls and offices of the Companies Registry are required to use the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app to scan the QR code of the public service halls or offices concerned before entry in order to tie in with the epidemic prevention measures of the Registry. Any person who does not use the mobile app will be required to provide his/her name, contact number and the date and time of visit to the staff onsite. The information provided will be used to facilitate the work of the Government in controlling the spread of COVID-19 and related purposes only. Any person who does not use the mobile app and refuse to provide the required information will be denied entry to the Registry.
We appeal to your cooperation with the Registry in fighting the COVID-19.
Companies Registry to resume normal public services starting from 18 February 2021
The Companies Registry will resume normal public services from 18 February 2021 while continuing to implement targeted social distancing and infection control measures. Details of the normal service hours of the Registry are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry advises customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers (
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us by email at
Latest arrangements for Companies Registry’s public services starting from 28 January 2021
To align with the announcement by the Government to resume the provision of some basic public services in a safe and orderly manner to meet the needs of the public and enterprises, starting from 28 January 2021, the Companies Registry will reopen the Public Search Centre while maintaining the counter services for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporations currently provided. Details of the Registry’s public services are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry appeals to its customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises unless they require urgent service. The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, "Cyber Search Centre" ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are also set out in Annex.
The waiting time for public services provided at the Registry’s offices may be longer as the provision of services has not completely returned to full scale. The Registry may also take a longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form. We apologise that the standard performance pledges are not applicable to our services during this period.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us by email at
The Best Service Award is organised to assess the level of customer satisfaction with our services. The Award for this year was presented to the New Companies Section in recognition of its efforts in providing service on “Change of names of companies - local companies - delivery in electronic form”, which obtained the highest satisfaction score in our Customer Service Survey conducted this year.
In view of the latest epidemic situation and the special work arrangements for government employees, starting from 10 December 2020, while maintaining the limited counter services provided currently, the Companies Registry will temporarily close the Public Search Centre on 13/F at Queensway Government Offices until further notice.
The Registry will continue to provide limited counter services for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporations.
Please refer to the press release issued on 9 December for details.
Latest arrangements for Companies Registry’s public services
In view of the latest epidemic situation and the special work arrangements for government employees, starting from 10 December 2020, while maintaining the limited counter services provided currently, the Companies Registry will temporarily close the Public Search Centre on 13/F at Queensway Government Offices until further notice.
The Registry will continue to provide limited counter services for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporations. Details of the limited counter services are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry appeals to its customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises unless they require urgent service. The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, "Cyber Search Centre" ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are also set out in Annex.
The waiting time for public services provided at the Registry’s offices will be longer as the provision of services has been scaled down. The Registry will also take a longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form. We apologise that the standard performance pledges are not applicable to our services during the limited service period.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us by email at
The Registry will provide limited counter services every working day for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporations. The Public Search Centre will be opened on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Please refer to the press release issued on 1 December for details.
Companies Registry provides limited public services starting from 2 December
In view of the latest epidemic situation and the special work arrangements for government employees, the Companies Registry will provide limited public services with effect from 2 December until further notice. The Registry will provide limited counter services every working day for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporations. The Public Search Centre will be opened on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Details of the limited public services are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry urges its customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises unless they require urgent service. The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, "Cyber Search Centre" ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are also set out in Annex.
The waiting time for public services provided at the Registry’s offices will be longer as the provision of services will be scaled down. The Registry will also take a longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form. We apologise that the standard performance pledges are not applicable to our services during the limited service period.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us by email at
Companies Registry to enhance social distancing measures
In view of the latest development of COVID-19, the Companies Registry will implement special work arrangements of staff and further social distancing measures with effect from 30 November 2020 until further notice to reduce the risk of spreading of COVID-19 in the community.
While the service hours of all our offices remain unchanged, the number of counters providing the public services will be adjusted. The waiting time for counter services may be longer. The Registry will also take longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form. We apologise that the standard performance pledges are not applicable to our services during the adjusted service period.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the virus, the Registry appeals to all its customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises as far as practicable.
The Registry’s services for registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are set out in Annex.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact the Registry at email:
The Companies Registry is organising the Best Counter Staff Contest 2020-21 to encourage courtesy and efficiency in the delivery of service and compliment counter staff for their excellent performance. During the voting days from 23 to 25 November 2020, customers visiting the Companies Registry’s offices are welcome to vote for the best counter staff on the basis of individual staff’s performance.
Results of the contest will be announced in mid - December 2020.
We would like to invite you to complete the survey form online at the link below:
Customer Service Survey 2020
All information collected will be kept strictly confidential.
Thank you for your support and participation.
Companies Registry to resume normal public services starting from 15 September
To align with the announcement by the Government on 10 September to resume normal public services from 15 September, the Companies Registry will resume normal services from 15 September while continuing to implement targeted measures to reduce social contact and to apply infection control measures. Details of the normal service hours of the Registry are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry advises customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers (
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us at email:
The Companies (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2020 (“the Amendment Regulation”) will come into operation on 1 October 2020.
The Amendment Regulation amends the Companies (Fees) Regulation (Cap. 622K) to effect the waiver of registration fees for annual returns (except for late delivery) for two years and reduction of the fees payable in relation to incorporation of companies and registration of non-Hong Kong companies through electronic means by 10%.
For details on the waiver and reduction of fees, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 4/2020.
The new LPF regime enables private funds to be registered in the form of limited partnerships in Hong Kong.
For more information, please visit the dedicated thematic section on “Limited Partnership Funds” at this website.
The Companies Registry once issued an External Circular No. 5/2018 (“the Circular”) on 12 October 2018 to clarify the definition of “professional accountants” and “professional company secretary” referred to in the above two provisions.
In view of the change of name of “The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators”, which is mentioned in paragraph 5 of the Circular, to “The Chartered Governance Institute”, the Companies Registry has issued an External Circular No. 3/2020 to supersede the Circular so as to update the definition of “professional company secretary” referred to in the above two provisions. For details, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 3/2020.
Latest arrangements for Companies Registry’s public services starting from 24 August
To align with the announcement by the Government on 20 August to gradually resume the provision of basic public services in a safe and orderly manner to meet the needs of the public and enterprises, the Companies Registry will reopen the Public Search Centre on Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting from 24 August, while maintaining the limited counter services which it provides currently from Monday to Friday. Details of the limited public services are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry appeals to its customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises unless they require urgent service. The Registry’s services for registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, "Cyber Search Centre" ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are also set out in Annex.
The waiting time for public services provided at the Registry’s offices will be longer as the provision of services has been scaled down. The Registry will also take longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form.
We apologise that the standard performance pledges are not applicable to our services during this limited service period.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us at email:
For more information, please refer to the “Highlight” section on the homepage of this website.
The Limited Partnership Fund Ordinance (Cap. 637), which establishes a new limited partnership fund regime to enable private funds to be registered in the form of limited partnerships in Hong Kong, will come into operation on 31 August 2020. For details, please refer to Companies Registry External Circular No. 2/2020.
Companies Registry to provide limited counter services starting from 20 July
To align with the special work arrangement announced by the Government on 19 July to provide emergency services and essential public services starting from 20 July in order to significantly reduce the flow of people and social contacts to stop COVID-19 from further spreading in the community, the Companies Registry will provide limited counter services on every working day of the week starting from 20 July for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporations until further notice. Details of the limited counter services are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry urges its customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises unless they require urgent service. The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, "Cyber Search Centre" ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are also set out in Annex.
The waiting time of the counter services provided at the Registry’s offices will be longer as the provision of services will be scaled down. The Registry will also take longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form. We apologise that the standard performance pledges are not applicable to our services during this limited service period.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us at email:
Delivery of Documents Electronically or by Post and Use of Electronic Services
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 in the community, the Companies Registry appeals to all customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises as far as practicable unless they require urgent service.
The Registry's services for registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the "e-Registry" (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are set out in Annex.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us at email:
Please refer to the Companies Registry External Circular No. 1 / 2020 for details.
For more information, please refer to the “Events” section of this website.
For enquiries, please contact the Registry at email:
Companies Registry resumes normal services starting from 4 May
To align with the announcement by the Government on 28 April to resume public services under a phased approach starting from 4 May, the Companies Registry will resume normal services from 4 May while maintaining a high degree of vigilance and adopting all necessary precautionary measures. Details of the normal service hours of the Registry are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry advises customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers (
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us at email:
For enquiries, please contact the Registry at email:
Under the special work arrangement, as the provision of services has been scaled down, the Registry requires longer time to process documents delivered in hard copy form. As such, we apologise that the standard performance pledges are not applicable to our services during this period.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact the Registry at email:
To reduce the risk of a large-scale outbreak of COVID-19 in the community, the Companies Registry will provide limited counter services every working day starting from 23 March for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporation. Please refer to the press release issued on 22 March for details.
Companies Registry to provide limited counter services from 23 March
To align with the announcement by the Government on 21 March to provide essential, emergency and limited public services only starting from 23 March in order to reduce the risk of a large-scale outbreak of COVID-19 in the community, the Companies Registry will provide limited counter services every working day starting from 23 March for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporation. Details of the limited counter services are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry urges all its customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry’s office premises unless they require urgent service. The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, the “Cyber Search Centre” ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are also set out in Annex.
As the services of the Registry will be scaled down from 23 March, the Registry requires longer processing time for documents submitted in hard copy form.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us at email:
Companies Registry resumes normal services starting from 2 March
To align with the announcement by the Government on 27 February to resume services in a safe and orderly manner, starting from 2 March, all of the Companies Registry’s services will resume as normal, while implementing targeted measures to reduce social contact. Details of the service hours of the Registry are set out in Annex.
To achieve social distancing with a view to reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, the Registry advises customers to continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. Customers should avoid visiting the Registry's office premises unless they require urgent service. As the services of the Registry have been scaled down since 3 February, the Registry also requires longer processing time for documents submitted in hard copy form.
The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers (
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us at email:
Companies Registry expands limited counter services starting from 24 February
Having reviewed the special work arrangement in operation since 3 February, starting from 24 February, the Companies Registry will provide limited counter services on every weekday for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporation. Details of the limited counter services are set out in Annex.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Registry again appeals to all its customers to avoid visiting its office premises unless they require urgent service. Customers can continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. The Registry’s services on registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the “e-Registry” (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are also set out in Annex.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600 or contact us at email:
Companies Registry provides limited counter services on alternate weekdays starting from 10 February
To align with the special work arrangement announced by the Government on 7 February and to further reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, starting from 10 February, the Companies Registry will provide limited counter services every Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the week. Details of the limited counter services are set out in Annex.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Registry appeals to all customers to avoid visiting its office premises unless they require urgent service. Customers can continue to deliver documents electronically or by post. The Registry's services for registration of documents and public search services will continue to be provided electronically through the "e-Registry" (, Cyber Search Centre ( and the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Details of the Registry’s electronic services are also set out in Annex.
The waiting time of the counter services provided at the Registry’s offices may be longer as the provision of services will be scaled down. The Registry will also take longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600.
In the light of the special work arrangement announced by the Government on 31 January to reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, starting from 3 February, only a limited number of shroff counters on the 14th Floor of the Queensway Government Offices and 12th Floor of One Kowloon are open to provide limited services. The Registry appeals to all its customers to avoid visiting its office premises unless they require urgent service. Meanwhile, customers can continue to deliver documents electronically via the e-Registry ( or the website of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers ( Documents in hard copy form can be delivered for registration by post.
To align with the special work arrangement announced by the Government on 31 January 2020 to reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Companies Registry will provide limited counter services to members of the public starting from 3 February 2020. Please refer to the press release issued on 1 February 2020 for details.
Limited Counter Services of the Companies Registry
To align with the special work arrangement announced by the Government on 31 January to reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Companies Registry will provide the following limited counter services to members of the public starting from 3 February:
Limited public services at Queensway Government Offices
A limited number of shroff counters on the 14th Floor (14/F) of the Queensway Government Offices will be open to receive applications for incorporation of local companies delivered in hard copy form. Information counters on the 14/F will also be open for answering general enquiries. All other documents in hard copy form can continue to be delivered for registration:
- by post to the Companies Registry on the 14/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong; or
- by depositing in the Drop-in box located on the 14/F of the Queensway Government Offices or the Drop-in box near the Information Counter on the Deck Floor, High Block of the Queensway Government Offices.
Limited public services at One Kowloon, Kowloon Bay
The Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers at One Kowloon, Kowloon Bay, will be open for counter enquiry service and receiving applications for licences in hard copy form.
The waiting time of the counter services provided at the two offices may be longer as the provision of services will be scaled down. The Registry will also take longer time to process the documents submitted in hard copy form.
The opening hours of the Registry will be adjusted as follows:
Queensway Government Offices - 14/F Public Service Hall and One Kowloon, Kowloon Bay
Monday – Friday
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Registry appeals to all customers to use its electronic services as far as possible:
Delivery of documents for registration under the Companies Ordinance
- Deliver incorporation applications electronically by using our electronic incorporation service at "e-Registry" ( or "CR eFiling" mobile application.
- Deliver specified forms and related documents required for registration electronically at "e-Registry".
- Deliver the commonly used specified forms (e.g. annual returns) electronically at "CR eFiling" mobile application.
Search on company information
- Conduct online company searches at the Companies Registry's Cyber Search Centre ( or via the Company Search Mobile Service ( using your smartphones or mobile devices.
Electronic Services of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers (TCSPs)
- Use the online services provided at the website of the Registry for TCSPs ( to submit applications and conduct searches on the Register of TCSP Licensees.
For enquiries, please call 2867 2600.
Closure of Office Premises and Suspension of Services at Queensway Government Offices and One Kowloon, Kowloon Bay
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the office premises of the Companies Registry in the Queensway Government Offices and One Kowloon, Kowloon Bay will be closed with effect from 29 January 2020. The provision of public services at the two office premises will be suspended.
Notwithstanding the closure of office, the Registry will continue to provide its major services electronically. You can continue to access our major services by the following means:-
Delivery of documents for registration under the Companies Ordinance
- Deliver incorporation applications electronically by using our electronic incorporation service at "e-Registry" ( or "CR eFiling" mobile application.
- Deliver specified forms and related documents required for registration electronically at "e-Registry".
- Deliver the commonly used specified forms (e.g. annual returns) electronically at "CR eFiling" mobile application.
Delivery of other documents
- Deliver documents by post to the Companies Registry at 14th Floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong, with the correct fees, where applicable, with cheques made payable to "Companies Registry".
Search on company information
- Conduct online company searches at the Companies Registry's Cyber Search Centre ( or via the Company Search Mobile Service ( using your smartphones or mobile devices.
Services of the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers (TCSPs)
- Use the online services provided at the website of the Registry for TCSPs ( to submit applications and conduct searches on the Register of TCSP Licensees.
The Companies Registry released its statistics for the year 2019 on 12 January 2020. Please refer to the press release issued on the same date for details.
The Best Service Award is organised to assess the level of customer satisfaction with our services. The Award for this year was presented to the New Companies Section in recognition of its efforts in providing service on “Change of Name of local companies (delivery in electronic form)”, which obtained the highest satisfaction score in our Customer Service Survey conducted this year.