Application for a money lender's licence and its renewal
With effect from 3 October 2016, all applications for money lenders licences or renewal of licences submitted to the Companies Registry must be accompanied with the relevant supplementary information sheets in addition to the application documents.
Please refer to the following information pamphlets for details:
How to Apply for a Money Lenders Licence (pdf Format)
How to Apply for Renewal of a Money Lenders Licence (pdf Format)
Fees payable under the Money Lenders Ordinance (pdf Format)
Guideline on Application for New Issue / Renewal of and Endorsement on Money Lenders Licence (pdf Format) (issued by the Licensing Office (Money Lender Licensing Section) of Hong Kong Police Force)
Notices of applications for money lenders licences and renewals are published in the government gazette and two newspapers, namely, "The Standard" and "Hong Kong Economic Times".
A money lender's licence is valid for 12 months. Application for renewal of a licence should be made within 3 months prior to the expiration of the licence.
Forms relating to Applications for Money Lenders Licences
Application for licence – by individual / partnership1.Form 2Application by an individual for a licence for himself or for a partnership
2.Form 4Statement in support of an application by an individual for a licence for himself or for a partnership3.SIS-2Supplementary Information Sheet - Application by an individual for a money lenders licence for a sole proprietor or for a partnership4.SIS-2ASupplementary Information Sheet – Fit and Proper Criteria – Application by an individual for a money lenders licence for a sole proprietor or for a partnershipApplication for licence – by company5.Form 36.Form 5Statement in support of an application by a company for a licence7.SIS-1Supplementary Information Sheet - Application by a company for a money lenders licence8.SIS-1ASupplementary Information Sheet – Fit and Proper Criteria – Application by a company for a money lenders licenceApplication for renewal of licence – by individual / partnership9.Form 6Application by an individual for renewal of a licence for himself or for a partnershipHK$8,800
10.Form 8Statement in support of an application by an individual for renewal of a licence for himself or for a partnership11.SIS-4Supplementary Information Sheet - Application by an individual for renewal of a money lenders licence for a sole proprietor or for a partnership12.SIS-4ASupplementary Information Sheet – Fit and Proper Criteria – Application by an individual for renewal of a money lenders licence for a sole proprietor or for a partnershipApplication for renewal of licence – by company13.Form 7Application by a company for renewal of a licenceHK$8,800
14.Form 9Statement in support of an application by a company for renewal of a licence15.SIS-3Supplementary Information Sheet - Application by a company for renewal of a money lenders licence16.SIS-3ASupplementary Information Sheet – Fit and Proper Criteria – Application by a company for renewal of a money lenders licenceOther Forms