
Welcome Message

The detail of this page

Welcome to the new website of the Companies Registry.  

The Companies Registry’s website has been a good communication channel between the Registry and our stakeholders. Our old website served our customers well over the past years and was recognised for the abundant information it contained. With an aim to further enhance our services, we would continue to reach out and serve our customers through the new website featuring modern layout and design. We also seek to enhance user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.  

The Registry administers and enforces most parts of the Companies Ordinance. It registers local and non-Hong Kong companies and statutory returns, and provides the public with services and facilities for inspecting and obtaining company information kept in the Companies Register. We also process applications relating to money lender licences and maintain a register of money lenders for public inspection. Since 1 March 2018, we have taken up a new role as the licensing authority for trust and company service providers.  

Our website provides you with comprehensive and up-to-date information on the Registry's services. It also contains useful reference materials on the Companies Ordinance and other Ordinances administered by us to facilitate compliance. You can subscribe to our e-News to obtain first hand updates on our services and the latest news. 

We hope you find this new website useful and share the information with your friends, colleagues and clients. If you have any comments or suggestions on the Registry’s services, you may send your views to our Assistant Registry Manager (Customer Services and Management Division) at

Companies Registry

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