
Access Co-ordinator and Access Officers

The detail of this page
It is Government's established policy objective to provide a barrier-free environment for persons with disabilities with a view to enabling them to access to premises and make use of the facilities and services therein on an equal basis with others, thereby facilitating them to live independently and fully integrate into the community.

To facilitate Government-wide collaborated efforts in enhancing the accessibility of Government premises and facilities, the Government has established an Access Co-ordinator and Access Officer Scheme. An Access Co-ordinator is responsible for co-ordinating accessibility issues within individual bureau or department, whereas an Access Officer is responsible for, among other things, offering assistance to persons with disabilities in access to the venue under his/her management and using the services and facilities therein, and handling public enquiries and complaints regarding accessibility issues for the venue.

The Companies Registry has appointed an Access Co-ordinator and a Deputy Access Co-ordinator to co-ordinate accessibility issues within the Registry and nine Access Officers to handle accessibility issues and related enquiries and complaints for each venue.

Should you have any enquiries or comments on the accessibility of premises, facilities and services of the Companies Registry, please contact our Access Co-ordinator, Deputy Access Co-ordinator and Access Officers as follow:–
Access Co-ordinator
15/F Queensway Government Offices
Ms Marianna S F YU

Registry Manager

Tel: (852) 2867 4500
Fax: (852) 2869 6817

Deputy Access Co-ordinator
15/F Queensway Government Offices
Ms Edna P H CHAN

Departmental Secretary

Tel: (852) 2867 4901
Fax: (852) 2869 6817

Access Officers
12th Floor, Queensway Government Offices
Ms Mendy C M LAM

Assistant Registry Manager

Tel: (852) 2867 4562
Fax : (852) 2537 7104

13th Floor, Queensway Government Offices
Terence K S MOK

Assistant Registry Manager

Tel: (852) 2867 1466
Fax : (852) 2537 7094

CHAN Ching-hang

Assistant Registry Manager

Tel: (852) 2867 2611
Fax : (852) 2526 9545

14th Floor, Queensway Government Offices
Ms Tina T Y CHOI

Assistant Registry Manager

Tel: (852) 2867 2595
Fax : (852) 2596 0585

Miss Helen C H WONG

Assistant Registry Manager

Tel: (852) 2867 4790
Fax : (852) 2526 9843

15th Floor, Queensway Government Offices
Pierre K F TSUI

Deputy Departmental Secretary

Tel: (852) 2867 4365
Fax : (852) 2869 6817

29th Floor, Queensway Government Offices
Ms Serena L H CHAN

Treasury Accountant

Tel: (852) 2867 3924
Fax : (852) 3116 8564

Unit 1208, 12th Floor, One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay
Miss Bonnie W G LEUNG

Assistant Registry Manager

Tel: (852) 3678 5109
Fax : (852) 3586 9987

Unit 2607, 26th Floor, One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay
Philip C H Chui

Assistant Registry Manager

Tel: 3577 7272
Fax : 2501 4916

Barrier-free facility

The following barrier-free facility is available at the e-Services Centre (Address: 13/F, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong) and the Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers (Address: Unit 1208, 12th Floor, One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong):

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