
Delivery of Documents Outside Our Service Hours

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Delivery of Documents in Hard Copy Form outside Service Hours

Means of Delivery of Documents
  • By posting the documents covered by sufficient fees to the Companies Registry at 14th floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong.

  • By depositing the documents in the Registry's Drop-in Box which is provided near the Information Counter on the Deck Floor, High Block of the Queensway Government Offices on Monday to Saturday (except public holidays).

Documents requiring fees must be delivered for registration with the correct fees. Cheques should be crossed and issued in Hong Kong Dollars payable to "Companies Registry". Please do not send cash. Official receipts (for documents requiring fees) or acknowledgement slips (for documents not requiring fees) will be sent to the presentors / companies by post.

Registered users of our e-Services Portal can deliver documents electronically. Please visit the e-Services Portal for details.

Note 1:
If the due date for delivery of an annual return falls on a Saturday, the deadline will remain unchanged. You are advised to deliver the annual return before the statutory deadline. A higher registration fee will be required if the annual return is delivered to the Companies Registry subsequently on the following Monday beyond the prescribed time period.

Note 2:
Annual returns which are not properly signed or not accompanied by correct fees will be considered as unsatisfactory documents and will be rejected by the Companies Registry. The documents will not be regarded as having been delivered to the Registrar in satisfaction of the provisions of the Companies Ordinance. The annual registration fees payable will be calculated according to the date of re-delivery of the annual returns.

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